Divining with


I have been studying astrology and spiritually based teachers and their works for many years, I have never seen a system more accurate than this one. Never.

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Ace of Spades in the sky⛅️♠️?? . This is one of the sacred symbols of the ancients, the symbol for the Order of the Magi and the science of the cards. I often draw upon this profound system of divination during readings and consultations ? . Why seeing this cloud formation was a really fun synch moment! ? . The cards are a system of divination that foretells destiny, and… it’s accurate! I’m still pinching myself that it exists ? “is this for real?” Lol, yup!!!! All in the standard deck of playing cards and their connections to the stars ✨????? . These sacred symbols of the ancients profoundly connect to the cosmos and are ever influencing our lives!! ?♥️♣️♦️♠️? — . Would you like an in-depth glimpse into your personal cards and the biggest opportunities and energies coming your way over the next year?? . With each yearly revolution around our sun we have new elements interacting in our personal spreads giving us access to cycles and influences not normally available. There’s magic in knowing what IS available, and making the most of it!?? . Each year provides new opportunities for empowerment, growth, harmony and success. . May your your yearly revolution be beautiful, powerful and blessed!! ???✨ __ . In a Yearly Reading, . ? We'll look at a yearly cycle of your life, the gifts and opportunities, transformations and potential outcomes. . ? We'll explore where you might need to put extra attention, and what you will likely receive blessings from and feel grateful for throughout the year. . ? We'll look to upcoming energies for you to strategically align with opportunities and cycles of growth. . ? We'll highlight auspicious events and the fortunate cycles for love and relationships, success and finances, your life's purpose as well as times of deep learning and spiritual growth. . ? We’ll open to receive powerful affirmation and important guidance pertinent to your next best steps. — . Experience a reading ?? ✨Links in bio✨ souldivination.com/recorded souldivination.com/live souldivination.com/email ?

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These awesomely accurate reports are based in an ancient science known as Cardology ♥️♣️♦️♠️ It explores the secrets of ‘playing cards’ and their connections to our solar system ??? . In the report you’ll learn how your yearly cards energetically influence you and your life in both profound and mundane ways, alongside receiving valuable guidance and powerful affirmation to help you navigate the cards of your destiny ?? . Instructions come with your report to show you how to gain the most understanding of your personal year and how to use this report. . Learn about opportunities and challenges you could be facing during the year and the influences they bring as shown in the cards. . Look up the Birth Cards of your friends and family members and see if their cards are in your yearly spreads. I find this aspect of the cards so valuable ? it helps give you additional insight as to what roles they may play when their cards show up in your reports – there is a section in the introduction that goes deeper into this. . The report includes interpretation of your significant cards (Birth Card, Planetary Ruling Card, Decanate Card) and will list any Auspicious Events for the current year . Truly fascinating in-depth wisdom to enhance your life, give you streams of “ah-ha”moments, and extremely useful insights to optimize everyday living ? . To order your Destiny Report click the link in bio or visit ?? www.souldivination.com/destiny-reports ?? — . I also offer live consultations and recorded audio readings delivered via a link for your private listening✨ . Recorded Audio Readings delivered within 48 hours, order your reading here ?? souldivination.com/recorded . or . 1-2-1 Live Readings (video/voice/typing), schedule your session here ?? souldivination.com/live . I intend to fill our time together with valuable, accurate, beneficial information that will serve you. . I offer ‘general readings’ as well as focused consultations looking at love and relationships, business and career, life path and purpose, or any area you’d like me to focus on. . It’s an honour and a pleasure to be of service ?? . Much love and bright wishes☀️??

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This is an insightful, empowering article written by one of my teachers Robert Lee Camp in his newsletter Visions ?? Here he’s speaking about the 2 ♠ card, which is also my Birth Card ? . Okies so over to Robert ?? … . “I talk a lot about the 2 ♠ card when I do workshops and lectures but have somehow overlooked writing about it in the newsletter until now. In fact, this is one of the most important cards of our current Age in history, extremely significant because it, more than any other card, helps define what this upcoming Age of Aquarius is going to be all about. Knowing that, we can begin to align ourselves with its energies now and keep ahead of the changes that are already taking place on a global level. . The 2 ♠ is the Aquarian Card. In The Mystic Test Book, Olney Richmond displays a special layout of cards whereby there is one card in each of the 12 astrological houses. In the 11th house of Aquarius lies the 2 ♠ . Its fascinating that when we hit the year 2000, our world also entered into a Grand Cycle of the number 2, a cycle of 1000 years of learning how to cooperate with each other while learning to recognize and acknowledge our individual differences. This will be a great age of communications and scientific discovery, both keywords for Aquarius and the 2 ♠ card. Astrologically we are now in the twilight zone between the Grand Age of Pisces and that of Aquarius. Jesus ushered in the Age of Pisces just as Moses ushered in the Age of Aries 2,000 years earlier. . Now, as we approach this New Age, many are looking for a figurehead, some sort of spiritual leader who will light the path for the next 2,000 years. However, there is a strong likelihood that this New Age will not have a singular leader in the traditional sense. This is because this New Age is one where everyone is acknowledged for their unique contribution to the world's success. Thus the Age of Aquarius may instead be a sort of global happening, a sort of hundredth monkey thing that arises out of communities being networked together to share ideas, information and resources.” (??makes me think Genie ?‍♀️?‍♂️✨??) . Swipe if you’d like to continue reading ???

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Super resonating and I loved seeing this since understanding the peacock feather‘s affinity with the card science ??♠️✨ . “The tail feathers of peacocks symbolize the vault of heaven and the 'eyes' of the stars, this symbolizes all-seeing knowledge” which connects divinely with the symbolism of the Ace of Spades and the system of all-seeing knowledge it represents! ? . Cardology, the science of the cards, gives me knowledge of my own power, and I access it daily ???️‍♂️✨ . Naturally I feel its something to share as it is accurate and empowering for others as well ?? . If you would like to understand your personal cards and discover the influences on your life path, as divined from the day of your birth, order your Destiny Report today! . To order your Destiny Report click the link in bio or visit ?? www.souldivination.com/destiny-reports ?? . In the report you’ll learn how your yearly cards energetically influence you and your life in both profound and mundane ways, alongside receiving valuable guidance and powerful affirmation to help you navigate the cards of your destiny ?? . Instructions come with your report to show you how to gain the most understanding of your personal year and how to use this report. . Learn about opportunities and challenges you could be facing during the year and the influences they bring as shown in the cards. . Look up the Birth Cards of your friends and family members and see if their cards are in your yearly spreads. I find this aspect of the cards so valuable ? it helps give you additional insight as to what roles they may play when their cards show up in your reports – there is a section in the introduction that goes deeper into this. . The report includes interpretation of your significant cards (Birth Card, Planetary Ruling Card, Decanate Card) and will list any Auspicious Events for the current year . Truly fascinating in-depth wisdom to enhance your life, give you streams of “ah-ha”moments, and extremely useful insights to optimize everyday living ? . Order your Destiny Report by clicking the link in bio or visit ?? www.souldivination.com/destiny-reports ?? . Much love and bright wishes☀️??

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Reposting ♠️? — I mentioned the Order of the Magi in my last post and was inspired to delve a little deeper – hey Google! ??? . I found myself reading an awesome article by Gina E Jones www.cardology.org/magi-three-kings/ ????? . “The magi became skilled in astronomy and astrology (which, in that day, were closely associated). They were also involved in various occult practices, including sorcery, and noted for their ability to interpret dreams. It is from their name magi that our words magic and magician are derived.” . She writes that “in the late 1800s, Grand Master of the Order of the Magi, Olney H. Richmond, claimed that the Order of the Magi was the star religion of the ancient Chaldeans and said that this tradition existed 20,000 years before the birth of Christ. Indeed, it was held that the (Three) Magi of the Bible were members of this Order and that Christ himself later became an initiate. . Reviewing the rich and varied history of the magi, it appears that even today the magi are still giving their gifts and have given a gift far more valuable than gold and more powerful than either frankincense or myrrh. They have generously given everyone on Earth the gift of life…the cards of life. . The wise and kingly men have given us, you and me, the ancient mystical system of knowledge of self-discovery and transformation. They have given us Cardology, the most accurate system there is for knowing who we are, why we are here, our life story from birth to death, and our script for every moment of every day for every year of our lives. . These wise men brilliantly combined the simplicity of numerology and the basics of astrology/astronomy with a highly accurate calendar. Thousands of years ago, the magi created the greatest gift of all time, secretly encoded with the colors, numbers and symbols of playing cards. What a gift we have been given from the wise and kingly Magi. Are you ready to receive and open their magical gift?” . Amazing!! ♥️♣️♦️♠️ — . Update? when reading Dane Rudhyar’s ‘Occult Preparations for a New Age’ there was a section that reminded me of this Secret Order — it inspired this reposting! If you’re interested swipe to read ??

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Reposting from July last year. Still amazes me!? — Wow, so I was previously unaware this is a line from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland ? . And not just any line, but the climax of the book! The moment before she wakes up Alice is showered by playing cards ? . I was searching for 2 of Spades images to share with next post when I saw this card. . It prompted me to seek more meaning, Google guided; I was delivered to Sabian.org — a site I’d visited years ago when I was researching the Sabian Symbols, amazing! . I hadn’t noticed the whole section dedicated to ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and ‘Through The Looking Glass’, with commentaries by Marc Edmund Jones!! . The full, illustrated text of both of Lewis Carroll’s works, illustrated by John Tenniel, are presented on the website too ? . I wonder if Lewis Carroll knew of the sacred symbols of the ancients and the science of the cards, my guess seeing this is yes! I’ll have to explore this more another day ? . If you are curious to know more about your personal cards, divined from the day of your birth, I’d love to explore with you ? . ✨Links in bio✨ souldivination.com/live souldivination.com/recorded souldivination.com/email ? . We can focus your reading looking at love and relationships, career/business, life purpose, awakening, cycles and timeframes, or any area you’d like me to focus on. . Working with the card science is a passion and fascination — I’ve learned much of it’s secrets ♠️✨ . Several years of lived experience and deep intensive study being immersed in this system has been enlightening?? . It would be an honour and a pleasure to connect and share ?? . I also offer reports in this system of divination, to order your Destiny Report click the link in bio or visit ?? www.souldivination.com/destiny-reports ?? . Much love and bright wishes! ☀️??

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